What is Community Audit

What is Community Audit


To make the community more interesting and valuable for its members, we need to first measure the current state and describe the current processes of Community Management. The following tasks have been identified to achieve this goal:


  • Make the community more interesting and valuable for its members.
  • Activate and motivate community members.
  • Create more clarity and understanding in the work of the community.


5 Interviews with Community Members

One of the best ways to gather information is to conduct interviews with community members. Speaking with 5 people who are not part of the team will be enough to see the first patterns, ideas, and problems.

Compile interview questions (such as what needs do they have, what do they read/watch).
Schedule calls (help is needed).
Conduct 5 online interviews, each lasting about 30 minutes.
Report on the findings.

Example from another project:


Customer Journey

The results of the interviews can help form a customer journey and define requirements and onboarding processes. Onboarding is one of the most common problems with activity - people don't understand what to do, and no process will solve this 100%. However, creating such a funnel will help track results and work on improvements.

Example from another project:


Analytics Setup

We will create a basic CRM, metrics, and analytics systems to track the funnel and important people. Typical metrics include (but not necessarily limited to):

  • Retention and the number of new community members
  • Integration: how familiar participants are with each other
  • Engagement: attendance at meetings by each participant
  • Satisfaction: evaluation of events
  • Number of projects
  • Mutual assistance: how much each community member helps others

Approximate timing

  • 5 interviews with community members (needs, awareness) – 5 hrs
  • Customer Journey / Onboarding Flow – 3 hrs
  • Analytics Setup – 2 hrs